

Providing children with merit-based and need-based scholarships.

Our merit-based and need-based scholarships provide low-income families from rural East Africa an opportunity for their children to receive financial aid, student support, and quality education. This allows motivated students to access higher quality education.

Our exceptional students must meet certain standards to receive a scholarship. The criteria includes academic achievementgood behavior while in school, and ongoing family engagement. By creating expectations, we ensure accountability for the student and offer shared responsibility and support between Asante Africa staff and community.

Students are Falling off the Learning Path!

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Only 35%

of secondary students are girls.

(Sub-Saharan Africa. Mastercard Foundation)


We make sure girls have a fair opportunity to succeed. Our program provides support and all the tools any student would need to discover who they are and achieve their dreams.

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65 Million

young people are not enrolled in secondary school

(Sub-Saharan Africa)


By supporting a child financially, emotionally and working alongside families, we are helping to keep children in school.

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Only 43%

of students will complete upper secondary school.

(Sub-Saharan Africa)


Supporting a child eleviates many of the challenges families face and allows a student to continue their education.

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Donors who provide a full scholarship will receive biannual scholarship reports, student updates, personalized letters, and the chance to build a relationship.

A full scholarship ($1,000) covers 1 year of tuition, learning materials, accommodations, and basic essentials. 

Tuition / Fees

Exam fees, tuition, participation in events, access to workshops



Sheets, blanket, room and board, food


Learning Materials

Books, pens, pencils, textbooks, digital tools


Basic Essentials

Soap, masks, girls hygiene supplies, socks, uniforms, shoes



We offer “Get Started” scholarships to provide students with the learning materials and basic essentials they need to successfully start a new school year.

Provide a scholarship TODAY!

All contributions to the Asante Africa Scholarship Program are fully tax-deductible.

Scholarships are Keeping Students on Track


123full Scholarships + 312 Get Started Scholarships provided (2022)


Transition Rate from Primary to Secondary 


Full Scholarships Given
 (Since 2007)


Secondary Scholars Qualified for Higher Education 
(Nat. Avg. <60%)

A scholarship impacts a childs’ life and a families future.

Our scholar becomes the role model for potential and possibility. They share their skills in savings and financial planning with a positive impact on the extended family. This is how we know our “Pay-it-Forward” model works!

LEARN MORE about our Scholarships

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